Access to iLab and Core services:
How do I log into iLab?
How do I make an equipment reservation?
How do I request a service?
How do I become a lab manager?
Where can I find a list of UCSF cores in iLab?
Admin and Billing:
How do I receive a speedtype?
How do I add a PO or IOC?
When an external customer provides a PO for addition to iLab, please send the copy to [email protected] for application to the customer's lab account. Please keep in mind that an external PO is meant to provide information for the customer's accounts payable department only. Ultimately, the customer will need to submit payment via check or wire transfer, if the customer requests AR information, please refer them to this link:
For IOC or fellow UC customers, please provide the customer with the IOC submission form linked here: IOC Form
Once submitted, the IOC information will be added as a 'standing PO' and available for the customer or the core to select as a payment method. Invoices containing an IOC will be handled by RRP central billing by conducting a transfer from the UC customer to the core recharge account.
How do I find an invoice in iLab?
How do I provide a refund?
When is billing due and when are invoices generated?
How do I add or make a change to a speedtype to iLab?